The Final
Week – Thursday
9 Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is
preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory
of her.” Mark 14:9
A good reputation is difficult to create, but easy to
destroy. I heard that years ago and every now and then I read something that
reminds me just how true that is. Mark 14 is like that because here three reputations
are made, and the reputation of an unnamed woman stands out like a shining
Here is a woman who decides to be extravagant with a gift of
perfume worth a year’s wages. Some people look on this as a waste, but Jesus
doesn’t. In fact, he declares that where the gospel is preached what she has
done will also be told.
she isn’t the only character in the chapter. There is also a disciple named
Peter who spoke with great promise when he said he would never run away from
Jesus or deny him even if he had to die. But the chapter ends with him weeping
when he realises this is exactly what he has done.
Between these two is Judas – one of the twelve, as Mark describes
him. He was a disciple of Jesus too. He had heard what Jesus was teaching and witnessed
what Jesus was doing, but it wasn’t enough. He is remembered as the betrayer.
Not a great reputation to carry around.

Let your reputation be one that points people to Jesus, not
one that leads people away.
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