Saturday, 11 April 2020

The Final Week of Jesus - Saturday

Final Week – Saturday

If I try to stick to the Gospel of Mark, then I can’t quote a passage of scripture. Mark is silent about the Saturday, and that’s probably right. Because if I put my imagination into action, then I start to think about how the disciples felt on that day, and at that point I don’t really want to think any more.

You see, for those who loved Jesus, that day must have been a day of absolute despair. Around them the city of Jerusalem is crowded with people celebrating Passover. For those people this is a time of great celebration and joy as they recall the promises of God and the exodus from Egypt. 

But somewhere in that city, there is a group of people who are probably sitting together because they’re scared about going out and suffering the same fate as Jesus, but also because their hearts are broken. The man they loved, the man they had pinned their hopes on was gone now.

Whatever you pin your hopes on will disappoint you at some point. But at the worst moment, it might be that the greatest things are happening. While these friends of Jesus couldn’t see it, something far greater than they could ever imagine was happening. 

Today, everything is bleak. Today, the sun might be shining but all I see is clouds. Today, the wind is still but all I hear is storm. Today . . .

Will the sun come up tomorrow?

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