Christmas Songs
I have missed singing the great hymns and songs of Christmas. This is partly because I haven't been at the same church two weeks in a row for a month. There are so many great songs that testify to the birth of Jesus as Saviour, and they should be sung well. As we only sing them in December even though they are worth singing through the year, I missed them.
This is further amplified by many churches in our denomination choosing not to focus on advent and preparing for Christmas in the way I have always done. I know there are reasons for this, but I would always choose to focus on the birth of a Saviour and its implications right through December.
One more thing. While there are many stupid Christmas songs (Jingle Bells sits at the top of that list), it is my opinion that "All I want for Christmas is you" is a song of immense selfishness.
Christmas Day
I love Christmas Day. It's a great celebration and the greatest reason to celebrate. Our church service at Croydon Hills Presbyterian was terrific, and the highlight was the sermon.
The connection between the promises of the Old Testament and the birth of Jesus were made wonderfully clear. Matthew 1:21-23 is worth reading and meditating on.
It was good to see so many people celebrate Jesus and also wish many others a Merry Christmas via Facebook. It's a good way to share your comments, although it can be a little impersonal.
No matter how people celebrate Christmas, I have no doubt that the celebration is about Jesus. Nothing else is more important. You might have enjoy the time with your family, you might enjoy presents, you might even enjoy feeding the poor, but the central focus of Christmas is Jesus.
May it always be so for you.
Part of the challenge is that Advent is different from Christmas. Advent is about anticipating Jesus' second coming and there's a different bunch of songs for that. Given that so many folk are out of town for Christmas around here we have a couple of Sundays before Christmas which are sort of our last time together.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting, and have a great 2014.