Thursday, 21 November 2013

Bible Engagement for Youth

Are the youth in your church engaged with the Bible? That might seem a strange question, so let me re-word it: is the Bible a significant influence in the lives of the youth in your church? Research conducted by the Christian Research Association leads me to believe the answer is probably "no". Now most of us would be unhappy with that, and I think we should be unhappy with that, and I hope to write something more on this issue. 
But for now here are some suggestions to help youth connect to the Bible that can be done overnight:
-take your own Bible to church and do everything you can to get the youth to do the same
-open your Bible for the scripture reading and sermon at church and do everything you can to get the youth to do the same
-after church, ask them what they learned in the sermon
-if the previous question is answered, relate it back to the sermon. (This is, of course, based on an assumption that the sermon will have a connection to the Bible. If this doesn't happen at your church, that's a different topic all together.)
-if you are asked to do the Scripture reading at church, practice at home, and make sure you sound like you believe it. This is much easier if you do actually believe it. 
-if you are a parent, allow your kids to see you reading the Bible.

Do you have some other suggestions? I'd be happy to hear them.

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