Throughout the day we had the chance to attend three electives on a variety of topics. I attended "Partnering with Parents", "Working with at-risk youth" and "Practical ways to engage youth with the Bible." My notes from these electives are on this blog.
At the end of the first session we were asked to write down the one thing we will take away with us from the elective. For me it was communicating with parents while on camps.
For the second elective, it was this: We put ourselves into a place to ensure we are not their idols or heroes, but that we are one of five adults who are connected to this child. And if there aren't five people, find them!
The third elective presented us with some confronting statistics. What stands out for me is that according to the survey, only 4% of youth who grow up in a christian home actually engage with the Bible! How important it is to change this, and how confronting it is to realise that children are acting in the way others - parents and leaders - model their own engagement with the Bible.
It was a good day yesterday. I'm looking forward to what today will bring.
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