Thursday, 24 October 2013

Engaging Youth with the Bible

Engaging Youth with the Bible
Jeremy Blaise, Bible Society, Qld
October 24 2013 3.45pm

Results of a survey on how youth are connecting with the Bible. This survey was across denomination and with different organisations (SU) supporting. The results are published in "The Bible according to Gen Z". This is available from the Bible Society, as either a book or ebook.

There is a huge difference between 'reading' the Bible and 'engaging' with the Bible.
When we tell people to 'engage with the Bible', what is it that we are encouraging them to do? The implications of this are a little more scary than just reading the Bible.

90% who grow up in evangelical home, by the time they're 35, only 16-20% of those are still following some form of a relationship with Jesus. There is a lack of longevity evident here. One of the most important factors is having regular encounters/engagements with the word of God. 
Less than 4% of Christian young people have a regular engagement with the Bible in any form. This is a personal encounter - reading the Bible themselves; choosing to open the Bible.
The single reason people don't read the Bible was they don't understand it. It had no perceived value in their life. 
The number one thing that caused people to engage with the Bible is that it was modelled for them.  Kids who are more engaged with the Bible are like this because they observe it in their leaders. Young people will follow you.
Second, an environment and culture where the Bible was valued.

Video: What about the dinosaurs?
What's a Samaritan?
(These videos will be available on the Bible Society website soon)
What are the implications of these videos being representative of people in our groups?

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