I expect we all know someone who doesn't quite live up to the the words they express. It might be someone who tells people they should live in a certain way, but don't live that way themselves - like people who urge others to be generous but never share anything from their own pocket.
But that's not exactly what I have in mind.
This morning in my Bible reading I was struck by this phrase
They claim to know God but by their actions they deny him. (Titus 1:16)
While I would like to think such things don't still happen, the last twenty years has made it abundantly clear that this comment is as relevant in my lifetime as it was when it was first written near 2,000 years ago.
I have two groups in mind. The first is the prosperity preachers who assure their followers that wealth and health will be theirs if they give more. Such selfishness is staggering, but even more staggering is the way people continue to support what they do.
The second group is even more diabolical. Here I think of those who take positions of leadership within a church and abuse that privilege. When you are a leader in a church, there would be an assumption that you 'claim to know God'. However, when those same leaders use their position to abuse others, either sexually or financially, then it is true that 'by their actions they deny him'.
No wonder so many people think the church is a scam and that priests and other leaders are on the take. No doubt their judgement will come, and I pray it comes soon.
If you claim to know God, don't let your actions undo what you say.
The church needs consistency in teaching and action; in word and deed.
Lord, keep me faithful.