Saturday, 9 April 2016

Chicago 2016 - Day Four

Today was a day of walking, shopping, and hanging out with some friends. We had a wander through Macy's, which was a bit fancy but since that is where the visitor centre is we had no choice but to visit there. It is another fine example of architecture and building that Chicago boasts. 

Over lunch we looked through the pamphlets we picked up from there before heading out again to walk "The Magnificent Mile". The streets were crowded, the wind was cold, and at times the snow flurried past. 

Tonight it snowed properly. Bronwyn and I went out for a few minutes to take some photos. I had a quick chat to security officer who was standing out in it all. He didn't seem at all worried. In fact, he said, "This is nothing!" When it's really cold they aren't allowed to stand out in the weather for more than 20 minutes. It must be very cold on those days. 

So today we have seen more of Chicago. Here are some of those photos. 

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