I have heard it said that most boys have seen pornography by the time they are 13 and that it is closer to 100% by the time they are 17. And while most teenage boys might just enjoy what they are seeing and the feelings that come with it, it will only be in the future that the toxic reality of what they are doing now will become apparent. Too many men know exactly what I mean here.
Sadly, amongst Christian men there is a burden of fear that is added to the shame most people will feel about using porn; fear that they will be discovered and will be kicked out of their church - which probably wouldn't happen, but the fear is there nonetheless.
There are a number of books and resources to help people dealing with this, and this week I have read Tim Chester's book "Captured by a Better Vision". Chester's aim with this is not just to provide some tools that will help people get off the sinking ship of pornography, but also to help them see beyond it to something different - a better vision.

Porn will teach you nothing about good sex. p23
Think about a meal. You feel hungry, you consume the meal and then you feel satisfied. Twenty minutes later, you feel full and you don't want to eat anymore. Think about porn. You feel a desire, you consume porn, but you don't feel satisfied. Porn doesn't deliver. Twenty minutes later, you still feel empty and you still want more. p36
Our sexuality is supposed to be like the Niagara Falls. The rock constrains the water, forcing it into a powerful surging rush. Porn makes sexuality like the Mississippi delta. The water there is not constrained by anything. It's spread out wide and thin and muddy. p141
If you are tired of the fight against porn, here is a book that can help. But don't read it alone. Find someone to read it with you, and to help you put it's guidance into action. There is something infinitely better. It's time to stop playing with mud-pies when there is a feast being prepared.